Kadi Holmberg

Kadi's Favorites (School Social Worker)

Birthday: March 31st

Shirt Size: XL

Favorite Color: Blue

Favorite Gift Card(s): Panera, Target, Scooters

Favorite Snack Food(s): Almonds, Plain Chips, Chocolate Anything

Favorite Drink(s): Water, Tea

Favorite Places to Eat: Honest Abe's, Panera, Bagels & Joe, Runza

Favorite Places to Shop: Target, Amazon, Scheels

Dietary Restrictions/Allergies: None

Likes to Be Appreciated the Most: Anything is Appreciated

Top Supply Wishes/Needs This School Year: Play Doh, Fidgets

Amazon Wishlist Link: https://www.amazon.com/hz/wishlist/ls/2U3TL7TRRICF8?ref_=wl_share